Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bear Grylls Moving Into New Territory...

Recently, Bear Grylls of the Discovery Channel's hit show, Man vs. Wild, was announced as the new "Chief Scout" of the UK Scout Association. According to Grylls' website, the Chief Scout is responsible for inspiring the Scouts and the thousands of volunteers who make things possible. The first Chief Scout was Robert Baden-Powell, the father of Scouting, and upon Grylls' appointment, he will be the youngest Chief Scout in the history of the program.

It's easy to see why Grylls has been chosen for this role, as there are few modern day adventurers as recognizable and popular enough as him to serve as a figurehead for the Scout movement. It is my hope that young people will see, reflected in Grylls, the spirit of adventure so close to the core of Scouting in the UK and America. Frankly, I can't think of anyone better to serve as the figurehead of the Scouting movement. And if we are lucky, perhaps it will also inspire children to join Scouts in America!

For more information on Bear Grylls and the UK Scout Association, be sure to visit his website!

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