Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting Over

Well I sure succeeded at starting and maintaining this blog, now didn't I? My last (and only) blog was in April of 2008. It is now January 4, 2009, and I'm giving it a second shot. Laugh if you want, but I just might do it this time. Stay tuned and find out! I honestly don't recall what my original intent for this blog was, so, for now, let's just say it's a medium through which I will ramble about my life, my so-called adventures, and anything else I feel like writing about.

Where I am in Life Right Now, Just to Bring You Up to Speed

This coming Tuesday will mark month number five since I moved to Winston-Salem, NC, from my home town, Richmond, VA. I can hardly believe I've already been here that long. It has been a whirlwind. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I don't know if I had much of a clue about anything when I moved down here (and still don't). I knew I had to move out. It was time. I lived at home with my parents for a year after college, had my first full-time, work-every-day, no-christmas-break-kinda-job (and liked it), and made some new friends. Anyways, it's a hard transition. It's every bit as hard as they tell you it is and then some. But it's good. And I felt like it could (would) be better if I was living "on my own," learning what it was truly like to depend on your paycheck (and God, since I forgot again, as usual). I asked God to show me that level of dependence and to restore my faith. I may have been a "working man" but I was still living under my parents' roof and eating all their food. That's not really independence. There's no risk in that.

Five months later, I am surviving. It is not easy, and, as sure as the sun rises, I have been reminded of my dependence on God for my very life. It has taken a while, but He has provided me with the means to make it down here (although, as I write this, I am looking for more work due to lack of funds). Still, I believe He is faithful. He has walked beside me so far and will not stop now. My Mom says this experience is "building my character" and I can only hope it is being built more like His.

I'm starting to see this is only the beginning. But I'm excited to undertake this adventure, to find out what God has planned for me. I'm excited to know Him again. I'm excited to be living.