Wednesday, April 9, 2008

First Post!


This is my first blog
ever! I never thought I would blog, but the more I read and hear about it, the more it sounds like a great opportunity to express myself and reach out to the community through writing - my first passion. I'm also hoping to develop a stricter writing routine as I manage and maintain this blog, which should improve my skills and keep me active at my work! Chances are, the people reading this blog (the first and awesomest) are my friends, unless you have heard tales of my adventures through other mediums, such as the ABC nightly news, your local newspaper, the neighborhood Boy Scout, or, my personal favorite, the oral tradition. While I'm planning for this blog to be about everything but me, I guess I should provide myself with a slight introduction. I promise it will be the only introduction. My name is Evan, but I go by several names, one being "Sir Evan," which I did not give myself, believe it or not; although I did embrace it. I have red hair, a big nose, wide eyes, and a good ole' fashioned laugh! I love the outdoors and many outdoor activities, like hiking, backpacking, and canoing. I also love God and try to live my life for Him. I find the outdoors is the greatest testament to His existence and power. And, clearly, I love writing, hence what you are reading.